Bestseller brings New Year cheer to charity projects



Every year Bestseller and Bestseller Foundation make a donation on behalf of all colleagues as part of the New Year’s gift.

A part of 2022’s New Year’s gift at Denmark’s Bestseller is a DKK 5 million donation on behalf of colleagues, to seven hand-picked projects in Pakistan, Cambodia and Bangladesh, and elsewhere. All of the projects aim to improve conditions for particularly vulnerable people. In collaboration with Bestseller Foundation, Bestseller has a tradition of providing a financial helping hand in the name of all colleagues to a charitable cause as part of its annual New Year’s gift.

The donation will go to seven initiatives based in some of the fashion company’s most important production countries, namely Turkey, Bangladesh, India, China, Myanmar, Cambodia and Pakistan, which was hit by catastrophic floods in late summer.

In all these countries we have several strong and long-term partnerships with suppliers, which is why the colleagues at Bestseller are happy to be able to contribute to making a difference for vulnerable groups in the local population, Bestseller says.

“In general, a lot of pride is associated with the annual New Year’s donation as well as a great desire to help wherever it’s needed,” says Michael W. Schultze, Director of Global Supply Chain at Bestseller.

A total of DKK 5 million will be donated to seven ongoing projects in Bangladesh, Turkey, India, China, Myanmar, Cambodia and Pakistan, respectively. The donation is distributed via local organisations that will help ensure that the financial aid makes a difference for the recipients. The seven selected projects include:

– The Lodhran Pilot Project in Pakistan, which contributes to the reconstruction after the catastrophic floods in late summer 2022. The Lodhran Pilot Project has a special focus on health, women’s empowerment and assistance to affected families

– Akshayapatra Foundation in India, which works to ensure basic meals for children and supports the possibility of education

– Mother and Child Education Foundation (AVEC) in Turkey, which empowers mothers in providing support to their children’s education at home

– The Eden Program in Myanmar, which helps victims of abuse, and ‘Step In Step Up’, which focuses on preparing local youth for entry level jobs

– Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospital in Cambodia

– UCEP in Bangladesh, which helps vulnerable children and young people – especially girls

– Sunrise in China, which focuses on education for vulnerable children

A difference for many in need

The total donation for the seven ongoing projects amounts to just under DKK 5 million. Among other things, the money is earmarked for strengthening women’s conditions and opportunities in Turkey, reducing hunger among children in India, improving conditions at a children’s hospital in Cambodia and supporting victims of abuse in Myanmar.

All seven projects have been identified and selected in close collaboration with Bestseller Foundation.

“A quick glance at the list of projects clearly shows that there are many places to put your efforts when you wish to improve people’s living conditions. Therefore, this year we are allocating the funds to several projects to make a difference for more people. This does not mean we solve all problems. Far from it. But we believe that the help can benefit vulnerable groups,” says Jannek Egerrup-Hagen, Director of Bestseller Foundation.

The foundation is funded by Bestseller and works for sustainable development. Since it was established in 2015, the foundation has invested and distributed more than DKK 200 million to initiatives that will create lasting changes and improvements.

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