Accelerating DX in your planning work with fabric simulation


Shima Seiki Fashion Tech Webinar – Simulations for woven fabric, circular knitting, towel, and embroidery.

Leading flat knitting machine manufacturer Shima Seiki has announced the fifth session in its series of Fashion Tech Webinars, scheduled to be held on 24 November. The session will focus on how to apply digital transformation to product planning through the use of fabric simulations in a variety of textiles.

Fashion Tech Webinar Session 5 (of 6 sessions)

‘Accelerating DX in your planning work with fabric simulation – Simulations for woven fabric, circular knitting, towel, and embroidery’

Wednesday, 24th November at 10am (CET)/5pm (HKT)

Please click on this link for more details and to sign up for this session.

Even if you are unable to attend this session in real time, you can view a recording at a later date. However prior registration is still required.

“We hope you can join us for this and subsequent sessions of our Fashion Tech Webinar Series,” concludes Shima.

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