Texworld Evolution Paris – Le Showroom deemed successful

Texworld Evolution Paris - Le Showroom organized at the Atelier Richelieu has kept its promises, Messe Frankfurt says. © Thomas Deron/ Graphics Images.
Texworld Evolution Paris - Le Showroom organized at the Atelier Richelieu has kept its promises, Messe Frankfurt says. © Thomas Deron/ Graphics Images.

“With Texworld Evolution Paris – Le Showroom, Messe Frankfurt France confirms the success of its innovative formula for textile and clothing discovery. In one week, under exceptional circumstances, buyers exchanged 3,235 requests for collection projects or orders,” the organisation reports.

Texworld Evolution Paris – Le Showroom organized at the Atelier Richelieu has kept its promises, Messe Frankfurt says. “From February 1 to 5, more than 500 buyers and professionals from the fashion, textile and clothing industries came to physically discover more than 2,500 samples selected by the Messe Frankfurt team, from 75 international manufacturers from about ten countries, in optimal comfort and safety conditions,” it stresses.

Visitors were able to discover the Spring-Summer 2022 trends, touch the selected samples and establish direct communication with the participating manufacturers. A total of 3,235 queries were sent out during the showroom with requests for information, quotations as well as orders, Messe Frankfurt adds.

“This unique business solution devised by Messe Frankfurt France has won over buyers from major ready-to-wear brands, start-ups and many fashion designers to whom it has brought a breath of creative inspiration while offering a real place to talk business: Tiphaine Le Magoariec, founder of The Green Tone, which assists European and Chinese brands and manufacturers in their quest for sustainable fashion, salutes on Linkedin this ‘high-end off-line experience’ which not only allows ‘to have the fabrics in hand [….] but also to be put in touch with suppliers to keep track of orders”.

On Instagram, the Dotchot Kimono brand underlines: “the quality of the ecofriendly fabrics presented in the showroom”. On the exhibitors’ side, the Turkish manufacturer Zeynar Tekstil insists on Twitter “the important number of direct interactions with visitors throughout the week”.

“The undeniable success of this event confirms our choice, which was not easy to make, to offer a credible physical alternative solution, with a personalized welcome around carefully selected products,” said Frédéric Bougeard, President of Messe Frankfurt France.

“Beyond the simple pleasure of getting together and working together again, this showroom – enriched with an inspiring Trend Forum – meets the market’s expectations. The sourcing necessities of the fashion industry will become more and more linear; they want more regular meetings and are in favour of intermediate solutions such as this one, complementary to the trade shows which remain essential. This is why we will maintain, if the conditions allow it, an event for fashion and textile professionals in July,” continues Frédéric Bougeard.

“This exhibition is to be held for the first time in Paris, Porte de Versailles. If the restrictions are still in force, we will in any case propose an alternative to the fashion industry, whose format and concept may evolve on the basis of this initial feedback.”

Until then, the selection displayed in the showroom will remain available online on the digital sourcing platform developed by Messe Frankfurt France with its partner Foursource. This digital connecting solution allows textile and clothing manufacturers to present their collections to international buyers. The latter benefit from a specific section to define their queries (matchmaking, definition of needs), submit requests for samples and quotations and finally build their collection based on selective factors designed for the textile world: country, minimum quantities, type of service, certificates… The platform is accessible on the Texworld Evolution Paris website.

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