Shima Seiki Webinar: Transforming Fashion in the Digital Age

© Shima Seiki.


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Tuesday, 25 August, 2020 10am (PDT) / 1pm (EDT) / 6pm (BST).

Wednesday, 26 August, 2020 11am (BST) / 6pm (HKT).

To participate, please click here


Leading flat knitting solutions provider Shima Seiki Mfg., Ltd. of Wakayama, Japan announces the release of its new subscription-based design software, as well as two other web services to enhance the user experience. The new set of product and services are intended to aid in the digital transformation of the fashion industry by supporting new work styles such as teleworking and telecommuting. At the same time, they are geared toward streamlining and improving efficiency to achieve sustainability through reduced waste.

Join us as we show you how the latest SHIMA SEIKI DX technology to help your business remain competitive in these times of uncertainty.

Transforming Fashion in the Digital Age

– Schedule –

  1. Company profile
  2. Message from SHIMA SEIKI President Mitsuhiro Shima
  3. New product and services for DX
  4. What is a virtual sample?
  5. Live demonstration of 3D virtual sampling
  6. User case studies
  7. Q&A session

* Schedule may change without notice.

If number of applicants exceeds the limit, selection will be by lottery.

Lottery results and participation details will be announced the day before the seminar.

We apologize to our competitors for not being allowed to participate.

Register Now

Tuesday, 25 August, 2020 10am (PDT) / 1pm (EDT) / 6pm (BST).

Wednesday, 26 August, 2020 11am (BST) / 6pm (HKT).

To participate, please click here 

Why Choose Shima Seiki?

・Based on simulations using actual yarn data, high-quality virtual fabrics look real enough to be used in prototyping, realizing sustainable manufacturing.

・Data produced on APEXFiz can be converted to machine data by a qualified knit manufacturer for smooth communication between planning and production.

・Patterns, colorways and 3D images can all be performed simultaneously, so you can design while confirming the final image for effective time-compression.

© Shima Seiki.

Here’s what you’ll take with you from the webinar


How to create realistic virtual samples by utilizing APEX series

in order to eliminate waste and shorten lead times…


How to take advantage of the world’s first web service to

search, browse and download data of actual yarn…


How to learn at your own pace and at your own convenience

with our new online training program…

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