Fashion for Good Points to Promising Areas for Innovation in The Face of COVID-19

Journey of a T-shirt in the Fashion for Good Experience details the journey of a cotton t-shirt through the entire supply chain from farm to consumer. Credit: Presstigieux
Journey of a T-shirt in the Fashion for Good Experience details the journey of a cotton t-shirt through the entire supply chain from farm to consumer. Credit: Presstigieux


COVID-19 and the ripple effect of the lockdown on the fashion supply chain has highlighted three key areas of innovation in the fashion industry: in a series of articles, Fashion for Good points to solutions in Supply Chain Transformation, Stock Management and Digital Acceleration.

The first in the series looks at supply chain transformation, covering examples in on-demand and near shoring, additive manufacturing, last mile logistics and more. Read the full article here.

Part two of the series will cover Stock Management and the innovations and solutions that address issues of overstock brought about by the slow-down of sales and deadstock.

Part three of the series dives into Digital Acceleration, an area that has garnered much attention recently as travel restrictions and stay-in-place restrictions have shifted processes online.


Fashion for Good will be hosting several upcoming digital events surrounding these topics:

May 28 at 2.30 pm there will be an online webinar “Meet the innovators – South Asia”, a digital event where we’ll be hearing from some of the first innovators in the South Asia Innovation Programme which launched earlier this year. Fashion for Good’s International Expansion Manager Priyanka Khanna will host this session, giving a brief intro on how Fashion for Good works alongside these innovators through its Innovation Platform.

June 9 at 2 pm there will be an online session “The Role of Circular Business Models During COVID-19 & Beyond” focusing on the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created in the fashion industry and how this catalysing moment can be an opportunity for brands to seriously explore new business models.

Keep an eye on for more upcoming events.

Fashion for Good is the global initiative that aims to make all fashion good. It’s a global platform for innovation, made possible through collaboration and community. With an open invitation to the entire apparel industry, Fashion for Good convenes brands, producers, retailers, suppliers, non-profit organisations, innovators and funders united in their shared ambition.

At the core of Fashion for Good is its innovation platform. Based in its Amsterdam headquarters and recently expanding the programme to South Asia, the organisation’s global Fashion for Good Accelerator Programme gives promising start-up innovators the expertise and access to funding they need in order to grow. Fashion for Good’s Scaling Programme supports innovations that have passed the proof-of-concept phase, initiating pilot projects with partner organisations and guided by its dedicated team that offers bespoke support and access to expertise, customers and capital. The Good Fashion Fund catalyses access to finance to shift at scale to more sustainable production methods.

Fashion for Good also acts as a convener for change, with the world’s first interactive museum dedicated to sustainable fashion innovation. In its headquarters, Fashion for Good houses a Circular Apparel Community co-working space, creates open-source resources like its Good Fashion Guide that provides practical advice to implement cradle-to-cradle certified apparel as well as white papers and reports investigating industry practices and developments.

Fashion for Good’s programmes are supported by founding partner Laudes Foundation (formerly C&A Foundation), co-founder William McDonough and corporate partners adidas, C&A, CHANEL, BESTSELLER, Galeries Lafayette Group, Kering, Otto Group, PVH Corp., Stella McCartney, Target and Zalando and affiliate partners Archroma, Arvind, Norrøna, Vivo Barefoot and Welspun.



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